A downloadable asset pack

Andromeda Jones is a potential character for Rosett. She's a wheelchair user, who uses a heavily-modded manual sports wheelchair. She is a member of the local Roller Derby team, and though her wheels are different from theirs, they accept her fullheartedly as an integral member of the team. She's a punk, a rebel, an anarchist - whatever you wanna call her, she does things her OWN way and she does it with STYLE. She's got a cocky, confident personality, is prone to teasing/ribbing her friends, and is always down for a good ole-fashioned brawl. Her fighting style is dirty, the sort of rough-and-tumble do-anything-to-win style you learn on the streets instead of a proper dojo, and heavily weapons-dependent. Her wheelchair has lots of useful things stashed in its design, but the most prominent features are the shielded wheels (as is common in Wheelchair Rugby) and prominent spikes in the axel (as is common in Roman Battle Chariots). She makes good use of the spikes on her chair and her outfit as bludgeoning/piercing weapons. She is, in all honesty, a bit of a jock, filled with fiery passion, ESPECIALLY in the face of insurmountable odds. In her mind, she's spent her whole life fighting the system to make things actually work for her. She is, if anything, EAGER to continue fighting The Man to make things right.


Andromeda Jones first concept.jpg 2.1 MB
Andromeda Jones nyaaaaa.jpg 2 MB
Andromeda Jones Battle Concept.jpg 1.6 MB

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